
Freifunk Aachen - Wöchentlicher Beratungstisch – Auf der Hörn

Der nächste Beratungstisch am 01.10.2024 findet um 19:30 Uhr im Restaurant Auf der Hörn an der Mies-van-der-Rohe-Str. statt. Der Beitrag Wöchentlicher Beratungstisch – Auf der Hörn erschien zuerst auf...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024: LibreMesh Cable Purpose Autodetection – Final report

Hello! This week the my project for Google Summer of Code 2024 ends, and this blog post is a final report of everything that I have done toward its goal. (Report 1) (Report 2) During this project, I had the opportunity to attend and organize multi...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024:  Final Insights on Throughput-based Dynamic WiFi Power Control for Real Networks

Hi everyone! Welcome back to the final blog post in this series on Throughput-based Dynamic WiFi Power Control for Real Networks. In the introductory blog, I provided an overview of our project’s goal and methodologies. In the mid-term blog, we intro...

Freifunk Donau-Ries - Freifunk Donau-Ries stellt sich neu auf und wählt neuen Vorstand

Unser Verein Freifunk Donau-Ries e.V. betreibt im ganzen Landkreis vor allem in den größeren Gemeinden ca. 300 kostenlose und frei zugängliche WLAN-Knoten. Auf unserer Jahreshauptversammlung wählte der Verein jetzt einen...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024: New release for Project Libremesh Pirania – Part III

Hello! As the Google Summer of Code ends, so this project will end too. Below what i’ve been working on this summer. You can check Part I here and Part II here. Recapitulating The main goal of this project is to migrate Pirania captive...

Freifunk Pinneberg - Helgoland Migration abgeschlossen

Seit letzter Woche nutzt nun Helgoland auch die Pinneberger Firmware und Infrastruktur. Alte Router die in den Letzten 4 Wochen online waren haben die neue Firmware via Autoupdate erhalten. Die alten Helgoland Server werden vermutlich nach und nach a...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024 Qaul: Qaul BLE module for Linux: Part-III

This post is the final post in the continuation of this blog series. In part 2, I discussed the theory behind Qaul BLE support for Linux and a walkthrough for creating a BLE GATT server, advertisement of services, and scanning of devices advertising ...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024: Development of a Modular Assistant for OpenWrt final report

Introduction With the GSoC 2024 edition coming to an end, I want to share the final report of my project, which I have been working on for the past few months. My project involved the development of a GUI wizard to simplify the initial OpenWrt con...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024: eBPF performance optimizations for a new OpenWrt Firewall, Final report

Hello again everybody! With GSoC 2024 coming to an end, it is time to present you my final blog post/report for my project, showing you what I have achieved during the summer. Project Goal This project aims to introduce a new firewall softw...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024: Visualise community data, final report

My project on community data visualisation is soon coming to a close; it’s time to review the work and what the outcomes were. The main goal of the project was to build a [data] pipeline from the JSON directory through to some visualisation...

Wo gibt's free Wi-Fi ?
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Frag' uns was !
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Freifunk Cuxhaven =D
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Freifunk Cuxhaven