
Freifunk Harz - Sommerfest 2024

Liebe Freifunker*innen, hiermit laden wir euch recht herzlich zum Freifunk Harz Sommerfest 2024 ein. Wir treffen uns am Freitag dem 16.08.2024 ab 17 Uhr auf dem Flugplatz Ballenstedt. Für Verpflegung und Getränke ist gesorgt. Um alles besser planen z...

Freifunk Dreiländereck - Schülerforschungszentrum (SFZ) Wiesental

Schon vom Schülerforschungszentrum (SFZ) Wiesental gehört? Falls nein, wird’s höchste Zeit, die Wissenslücke zu schließen. Im hervorragend ausgestatteten SFZ in Maulburg werden superinteressante Kurse und Workshops für Jugendliche im MINT-Umfel...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024: Development of a Modular Assistant for OpenWrt Update

Project Objectives What has been achieved in this first half? The goal is to design an OpenWrt configuration wizard to simplify the device configuration process, especially for those users who do not have deep technical knowledge. 1. Improve...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024: eBPF performance optimizations for a new OpenWrt Firewall, Midterm update

Hello again, everybody! This is the Midterm follow-up blog post for my GSoC 2024 topic: “eBPF performance optimizations for a new OpenWrt Firewall.” It will cover how I started trying to solve the task, what the current implementation loo...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024: New release for Project Libremesh Pirania – Part II

Hello! This post is about my progress so far while working on the new release of Pirania package for the new version of LibreMesh 2024.1 which runs on top of OpenWrt 23.5.3. During last month there was a lot of interaction with the community via m...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024: Visualise community data, update 1

I’ve set up a lot of services since planning out the data pipeline in June; the new infrastructure diagram looks like this: So, I wrote a little Rust utility called json_adder which takes the JSON files and reads the data into a MongoDB ...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024: LibreMesh Cable Purpose Autodetection Update

Hello everyone! This blog post is meant as a mid-point update on the Cable Purpose Autodetection project. This first part of the project was the occasion for a lot of discussions on how the project will take place to occur, and discuss how it will...

Freifunk - GSoC 2024 Qaul: Qaul BLE module for Linux: Part-II

This post is a continuation of my last one, which discussed the theory behind Qaul BLE support for Linux where I explained the theoretical concepts and jargon and high-level system design for Bluetooth low energy flow using GATT. Please refer to tha...

Freifunk - Progress Update on GSoC 2024 Project: Throughput-based Dynamic WiFi Power Control for Real Networks

Hello everyone! With the first evaluation of GSoC 2024 approaching, I am sharing this blog post to give a comprehensive update on the progress of the Throughput-based dynamic Power Control Approach. Please check out my initial blog post for more info...

Freifunk Frankfurt am Main - Firmware Release v5.1.0

Die neue Stable Firmware wird zeitnah unter veröffentlicht und automatisch auf allen Routern aktualisiert. Der Release Candidate (RC) ist hierzu bereits seit dem 22.06. 13:00 signiert. Die wichtigsten Änderungen zur vorh...

Wo gibt's free Wi-Fi ?
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Frag' uns was !
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Freifunk Cuxhaven =D
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Freifunk Cuxhaven